Welcome to Homepage of Satoshi Kose

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Photo of S. Kose

Professor Emeritus,
Shizuoka University of Art and Culture
2-1-1 Chuo, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu 430-8533 Japan

E-mail: skose@gakushikai.jp


Building use, safety and human factors, Universal design

Major research accomplishments

Stair safety; life safety during a fire; human factors of the elderly; dwelling design guidelines for the ageing society

Personal Profile in English

[Principles of UD (English)]
[Ron Mace's final lecture]

Presentations on the web

[My presentation at "Challenges and Opportunities of an Ageing Population," Symposium in Hong Kong, June 2002]

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Book chapters, etc.

The Japanese Experience. Clarkson J., Coleman R., Keates, S. and Lebbon, C. Eds., "Inclusive Design: Design for the whole population", pp. 308-316, Springer, 2003

Chapter 17: The Impact of Aging on Japanese Accessibility Standards. Preiser W. and Ostroff E. Eds., "Universal Design Handbook", pp. 17.1-17.12, McGraw-Hill, 2001

Universal Design for the Aging. Karwowski, W. Ed., "International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors", pp. 182-184, Taylor & Francis, 2001 (Second edition pp. 227-230, 2006)

Chapter 3: Dwelling Design Guidelines for Accessibility in the Aging Society: A New Era in Japan? Wapner S. et al, Eds.,"Handbook of Japan-US Environment Behavior Research: Toward a Transactional Approach", pp. 25-42, Plenum, 1997

Papers published (mostly in English)

Papers on the web:

[CIB/W084 Budapest paper on design guidelines, 1991 ]
[CIB/W084 Budapest paper on survey of residents, 1991 ]
[CIB/W084 Prague paper, 1987 ]
[CIB/W084 Tokyo paper, 1988]

Reports, etc. of some kind

[PDF - My presentation summary in Seniors' Housing Update 11(1) p.9 from Simon Fraser University, Jan 2002]
[PDF - My presentation summary in Seniors' Housing Update 10(2) pp.11-12 from Simon Fraser University, March 2001]

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Related Web on UD:
[ Institute for Human Centered Design (Adaptive Environments Center)]
[ Center for Universal Design, NC]
[ IDEA Center and RERC on UD at Buffalo]
[ Helen Hamlyn Centre at Royal College of Art, UK]

[JPEG - Downloadable portrait1 (Shot by Y. Kaizuka)]
[JPEG - Downloadable portrait2 (Shot by Y. Kaizuka)]

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Updated 2014.04.18